Pack 1
Winter Camp
Feb. 7-9, 2025
3303 County Road 44
South Haven, MN 55382
Camp & Meal Packages & Prices​​
FULL CAMP: Friday Overnight, Saturday
FULL Day & Overnight (ALL Meals & Activities)
$20 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$60 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Friday Overnight & Saturday FULL Day,
NO Overnight (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
$18.50 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$60 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Friday Overnight, Saturday HALF Day,
NO Overnight (Breakfast & Lunch, NO Dinner)
$15 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$50 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Saturday FULL Day & Overnight
(Lunch & Dinner)
$17.50 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$55 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Saturday HALF Day, NO Overnight (Lunch Only)
$12.50 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$40 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Saturday HALF Day, NO Overnight
(Dinner Only)
$15 = Youth or Adult
$10 = Pack 1 Leader
$50 = Family (2 Youth, 2 Adults)
Registration Deadline:
Wed. Jan. 3, 10 p.m.
Current Northern Star Council
Covid-19-Mitigation Guidelines
Updated: 8/19/22
In August 2022, the Centers for Disease Control updated their guidance for COVID-19 prevention measures. Northern Star Council (NSC) updated its practices as follows to ensure alignment.
NSC will continue to:
Require individuals testing positive for COVID to isolate for at least 5 days before returning to Scouting activities. Once isolation is complete, NSC strongly recommends wearing a mask on days 6 – 10.
Allow individuals to choose to continue wearing masks if they prefer. High quality (surgical or N95/KN95) masks are preferred over cloth.
Encourage all to be up to date with vaccinations.
Encourage proper handwashing and sanitation to cut down on spread of all illness.
NSC will no longer continue to:
Require use of the COVID-19 Health Screening Checklist prior to events, activities and outings.
Recommend quarantining if you have been exposed to COVID. Instead, the CDC recommends that individuals wear a high quality mask for 10 days after exposure. Similarly, NSC will no longer conduct universal contact tracing after known exposure.
Recommend different actions after exposure for vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals.
Recommend universal social distancing practices.
NSC will continue to monitor current conditions and government guidance and update its practices as needed.
What we'll do & When: Winter Camp
Here's our tentative schedule. Times may change, so please be flexible!
5:30 to 6;:30 p.m. -- Arrivals & Check-In ... Check in with, and present all required paperwork to, Cubmaster, then find where you will bunk and lay out your sleeping bag.
6 to 8 p.m. -- Hot Air Balloon Construction Completion (materials will be provided) and/or Indoor Board Games, Card Games, Etc. "Cracker Barrel" snacks will be served
9 p.m. -- Lights Out
7:30 to 8:45 a.m. --- Breakfast ... Menu: Hot Cocoa, Coffee, Orange Juice, Fresh Fruit & Hot Breakfast -- French Toast Bake, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon
9: a.m. -- Flag-Raising Ceremony ... Bear Den raise colors
9:15 to 9:45 a.m. -- Free Time
10 a.m. to Noon -- Survival Skills Challenges (Leader: Andrew Bartleson); Leatherworking (Leader: Aaron Kidd), Board Games, Card Games, etc ... All Dens
11 a.m. to Noon -- Lunch Prep ... Grubmaster & Volunteers
12 to 1 p.m. -- Lunch – Menu: Chilli, Fritos, Milk
1 to 2 p.m. -- Hot Air Balloon Construction
1 to 2 p.m. -- Sledding (IF there's snow)
3:30 to 4: p.m. -- Hot Air Balloon Launches!
4 to 5:30 p.m. -- Skit Planning, Board Games, Leatherworking, Free Time
5:15-6 p.m. -- DInner Prep ... Grubmaster & Volunteers
5:30 p.m. -- Flag-Lowering Ceremony Wolves lower colors
6 p.m. -- Dinner -- Menu: Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad)
7 to 8 p.m. -- Campfire Program: Skits, Jokes, Songs, Good Deed Awards
8:15 to 9:15 p.m. -- Board Games, Card Games, etc.
9:30 p.m. -- Retire to bunks for bedtime
7 to 8 a.m. -- Breakfast -- Menu: Muffins, Hot Coco, Coffee, Juice, Fresh Fruit, Hard-Boiled Eggs, Breakfast Bars
8 to 8:45 a.m. -- Pack up personal items in sleeping quarters, then everyone helps clean the cabin/lodge, kitchen and dining area
9 a.m. -- Embark from camp
What to pack
Completed mandatory health and shooting-sports forms (links at bottom of column 2 on this page)
Warm Sleeping Bags
A name-labeled, reusable water bottle
Toothbrush, toothpaste
Personal medications
Warm winter coat, snow-pants/bibs and warm base-layer shirt and leggings/pants. Dress in layers; prepare for weather that is colder and wetter than forecasted (Be Prepared!).
Two pairs of mitten/gloves, two beanies/stocking hats and six pairs of wools socks -- If it snows, every item of outwear your Scout wears outside will likely get soaked. So it's best to bring two of everything (excluding wool socks -- bring 4 to 6 pair per Scout, if possible), so you can always have one set/pair drying out while the other set/pair is in use. Your Scout will be much more comfortable (and safer in really frigid conditions), if he/she always has dry clothes and outerwear.
Snow boots suitable for hiking (We will hike in den groups to every activity; for the youngest kids, the distances can often feel long)
Head Lamp/Light or Flashlight with a wrist lanyard
Books, comics, etc. for reading in bed before Lights Out
Card games, board games, role-playing games
Adults may bring cell phones
What NOT to pack
Scouts should NOT bring a Pocket knife (even Scouts who have already earned their Whittlin' Chip cards). We don't whittle at Winter Camp.
Scouts should NOT bring electronic devices and games
Scouts should NOT bring extra food (we will have plenty!)
General Information​
Arrive no earlier than 5:30 p.m. Friday. Check-out at 9 a.m. Sunday.
If you will not be there the full time, please specify when registering, so this can be taken into consideration for meal planning. Multiple Camp Packages are available, at pro-rated prices -- Click HERE to learn more
Pack 1 Scouts may invite siblings
Meals and dishes/cutlery will be provided, but parents/guardians will be expected to help with cooking/serving and dishes/cleaning.
Scouts should arrive at, and leave from, camp in their Scout uniforms, but you can leave neckerchiefs and slides at home, so they don't get lost.
Toliet paper is provided by the camp, but it's never a bad idea to bring a back-up roll from home, just in case. Be Prepared!
Required Paperwork:
Parents of Scouts who are not coming themselves must complete a permission slip, available below. Please fill it out completely and make sure that it is given to the adult driving your Scout to Camp. (Not required for Scouts whose parents are attending.)
You must complete a Health Form and bring it with you to camp. Health forms are valid for one year and available at: Health Form (Short Term Medical Record)